Selasa, 24 November 2015

[Last Chance] Rich Dad Webinar special...

Webinar Special Ends Today!

Hi, today is the last day you can watch the replay of the Rich Dad Webinar with Garrett Gunderson on "The 5 Steps to Build Lasting Wealth" and stillget the special offer he gives you on it:
And if you don't want to miss out on Garrett's special offer, you need to hurry because there are only a few hours left. The special discount ends when this timer runs out:

So what is this "special offer" and why would you want to get it?

FIrst of all if you are unsure of what you get, full details of Garrett's special offer to you are at the bottom of the is email, or you can see your private offer here.
Garrett is on a mission to educate people across the world with financial education so they can improve their lives and create financial independence for themselves, and improve their family's destiny.
For many people, the free information Garrett has given is all they need at this point. So if you are dead broke or would have to borrow money to get this special deal — this offer is not for you. You will do better focusing instead on expanding your means and then setting up a Wealth Capture account. You can do all that with the free education on the webinars and downloads. If you are faithful at that, you should be ready for Garrett's more advanced training in about a year.
On the other hand, if you already have an income but struggle to build wealth with it — and you want to learn the rules and systems wealthy people like Garrett and Robert Kiyosaki put in place to protect, expand and grow their wealthon autopilot, then you may want to consider Garrett's offer.

The Rich Dad webinar offer details...

Garrett's giving you ...
  1. His full "Curriculum for Wealth" course with a comprehensive, step-by-step framework on the 5 levers that build your wealth systematically (full details below)
  2. Plus he's also including 14 Accredited Network files from his private video vault. These are deep-dive interviews with Garrett's own super-team of financial experts in his "Accredited Network." Each lesson also has a valuable workbook with additional information and action steps for you to take.
  3. Finally, you also get 52 issues of BUILD:, Garrett's weekly publication on all things personal finance.
Each of these individual items has sold separately in the past and if you paid for them separately, they would cost you $2,391.00.
However, until midnight tonight, you can get it all for 3 easy payments of $147.
Will I be able to get this offer later?
Garrett put this special installment plan together just for our friends of Rich Dad, and this offer will not be repeated.
You can always buy Curriculum for Wealth later at the regular price — and we do occasionally have discount offers.... but we currently have no plans of offering the $147 installment plan again. This is strictly a limited time offer only for the Rich Dad community.
See Your Webinar Discount Here (full details at the end of the email)
And if you don't want the offer? No problem. It's not required. It's simply there for those who want more.
However one thing is clear:
Only YOU are in control of your financial destiny...
Whether it's with all the free material Garrett has given you over the past few weeks ... or with the advanced training from Garrett or Rich Dad or another reputable source...
The fact is, if you want change in your life, YOU need to take action. So at least use all the FREE education Garrett has given you access to...
Because every day you delay in taking action is another day you move farther away from reaching your dreams.
Instead, when you take action today and start creating your own wealth capture account and mapping out your own wealth ladder and begin assembling your own wealth team (Garrett gives you these details on the webinar replay) — it means you'll be getting one step closer to your financial dreams. Even if they seem like baby steps right now, every step you take in the right direction today helps you build momentum toward reaching your goal.
Until you actually take the first step, though — you won’t get any benefit from this transformational info, no matter how good it is.
Your choice...
What Garrett gives you in the webinar can determine whether you spend the rest of your life in economic abundance or just “settling” for whatever life gives you.
Because if you want wealth, prosperity, and financial independence,remember — they don't just happen.
You have to be intentional about getting these things. In the webinar, Garrett gives you the road map and the instructions to get there. And he's also built a team to help you every step of the way if you need more guidance…
Still … YOU have to take the first step. And your first step is to go watch the webinar, see what this is all about, and start DOING the action plans Garrett gives you.
And when you do, we're confident your financial outlook will be totally transformed.
Bold claim? Yes!

Build the life you love,
The Builders at Wealth Factory
P.S. Some people are wondering exactly what you get with the Curriculum for Wealth program Garrett is offering. You can see Garrett explain everything you get starting at 1:02:38 in the webinar replay.
To recap, you get:
PLUS 2 fantastic Bonuses:
It's $2,391.00 worth of training that Garrett's offering to for 3 easy payments of $147.
The best thing is, this is a proven approach to money and finances used by the wealthiest families in the history of the world for decades and even centuries...
All condensed down into a framework that completely SIMPLIFIES your personal finances.
You already have the 2 most important tools to make this happen: Your DESIRE to invest in yourself, and the road map to get there.
Doesn’t it make sense to leverage those two assets to the fullest? Wouldn’t it be great to have your hard work creating wealth for you, instead of just an income?
Now you have at your fingertips the KNOWLEDGE and the TEAM to turn that into a reality...
P.P.S. — If you are wondering about the depth and breadth of the material covered in Garrett's Curriculum for Wealth program, here is a full list of the lessons you get:

LEVER 1 - Recover Cash Flow

Identify where you're leaking and losing money, keep more of what you make, become your own bank.

What if being more responsible with your money didn't involve cutting back or budgeting? What if you could keep more of what you make without sacrificing...

How would it feel to pay off your loans 33% or even 50% faster? What if you could set up a reliable system to capture more...

What is the greatest tax shelter in the world? How can you make sure you are not in the 93 percent of entrepreneurs overpaying tax?

Are you tired of paying interest to the bank instead of earning it for yourself... on all your major purchases?

What are the advantages of a family services firm? Would it help to have all of your financial professionals working in harmony like they do for the ultra-wealthy?

LEVER 2 - Strategically Engineer Wealth
Achieve financial independence with a Wealth Architecture built around your personal Investor DNA.

Financial Scorecard: Create a comprehensive financial scorecard that organizes your financials and shows you where you are now, where you're currently headed...

Economic Independence: How can you live wealthy starting today? By creating and executing a plan to retire IN your business, not FROM your business...

Strengths Based Investing: The financial industry thrives on people who invest in ways they don't know or understand...

Advanced Financial Strategies: Solve the maze, get the cheese...

Wealth Architecture: Manifest conditions for living wealthy by constructing a personal financial blueprint that’s full of abundance and UNIQUE to you...

LEVER 3 - Accelerate Investment Income
Use Strengthsvesting to invest for cashflow.

Wealth Frameworks: If you don’t have an investment philosophy, someone is going to knock on your door and sell you theirs...

Invest In What You Know: This is your ultimate unfair investment advantage, and the only way to truly reduce risk. Your typical financial advisor won't ever give you this...

Financial Foundation: It's easier to swing for the fences when you know the game's not on the line...

Insure Quality of Life: Protect your family from financial predators and pirates with versatile insurance plans and strategic ways of reducing or eliminating liability....

Make Your Money Work for You: Leverage your money to create multiple cash flow generators that build your wealth, protect your peace of mind...

LEVER 4 - Scale Business Revenue
Leverage your stupid human trick, and your best way of making more money.

Stupid Human Trick: Every business owner has their signature "move" for generating a quick boost in revenue...

Create the Game: Before you play the game, it's important to first know the game is worth winning. Will there be treasure at the end...

Revenue Leverage Points: (power is nothing without control)

The Next Next Level: How do you move your business past the $1 million in revenue mark? ...the $5 million mark? ...the $50 million mark?...

The Social Mission: Entrepreneurs start with a dream, not of riches and treasure, but a dream to change the world. And understanding your "reason why"...

LEVER 5 - Make It Count
Shift from success to significance, build a family legacy with the Rockefeller Method, and measure by the Quality of Life Quotient.

The Shift: You've found success in your business and reached your financial goals. So how can you turn your current success into lasting significance? ...

The Second Half: The game's halfway over--it's time to make needed adjustments to pull away and win. What little moves can you make to magnify your results...

Changing the Scorecard: Bring balance to your life when you start measuring what matters most so you can create peace, happiness and no regrets...

Determine your soul purpose and how to leverage it to live the life you love...

Rockefeller Method: Discover how to pass on your values, knowledge, legacy and wealth to your kids, your and their kids...
You get all this, plus the 14 Accredited Network files and 52 weeks ofBUILD:  all for 3 easy payments of $147:

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