Jumat, 29 April 2016

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Indeks Batubara Dow Jones (^DJUSCL) dalam jangka menengah menunjukkan trend naik

Bursa Amerika melemah dipicu oleh penurunan tajam saham Apple. Indeks Dow Jones ditutup di level 17,830.76 turun 210.79 poin (-1.17%).

Sementara itu dari Asia, keputusan Bank Of Japan mengejutkan pasar dikarenakan BOJ memutuskan untuk tidak menambah stimulus.

Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi pasar dan perkiraan pasar. BOJ akan mengevaluasi dampak kebijakan suku bunga negatif sebelumnya.

IHSG ditutup di level 4,848.39 menguat 2.73 poin (+0.06%) pada perdagangan kemarin.

Indeks Batubara Dow Jones (^DJUSCL) dalam jangka menengah menunjukkan trend naik.

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3 Ways to Grow Your Financial Confidence


What’s holding you back from financial freedom? It’s an important question to consider. If you spend some time really thinking about it, the answers might surprise you.

Here are three ways you can grow your financial confidence:

Pick a Direction
To make it simple, think in terms of the four asset classes: paper (stocks, bonds, etc.), real estate, commodities (gold, silver, oil, etc.), and business (as in owning one or investing in one).
Which one sounds interesting? Pick one, go online, and find some resources to read. If you don't like it, move on to another asset class. Dabble until you find what interests you. Then keep digging deeper. You'll find your way.

Make Time
Those who are successful simply use those hours more wisely. No matter how busy you are you can find time to invest in things that are important to you.
Do you have a lunch hour at work? Read up while munching on a sandwich! Do you spend your evenings watching shows on TV? Trade in that time for some quiet study time. Taking the kids to practices and events? Bring a book with you or listen to a podcast while they play.
Most people probably have way more time available than they think. It's a matter of being intentional with how you use it. Make time to grow your financial intelligence.

Pay Yourself First
The only way to grow your confidence is by making your financial education and your investing a priority—the biggest priority, in fact.
So, each month, pay yourselves first. Do this by putting a set amount of money aside in the budget as an expense for our investing.
At the end of the day, if you practice these three things—picking a direction, making time, and paying yourself first—here's no limit to how huge your confidence can grow. And when your confidence grows, so will your wealth.

This is what makes Rich Dad different.

The Rich Dad Company

Copyright © 2016 The Rich Dad Company.
4330 N. Civic Center Plaza, Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 USA

What is an Investor?


What is an investor? You might be surprised how simple the answer is. A lot of people shy away from investing because it seems too complicated, or they think you have to have a lot of money to be an investor.

A simple way to define the act of investing could be: buying something with the hopes of getting more back than you put in.
Think about a farmer in this way. Let’s say he buys a seed of corn, and plants it with the hopes that soon he’ll have a stalk of corn with several ears of corn. He now has more than he put in the ground. The farmer is the investor.

If we relate this to buying stocks, it could be described the same way. If you are the investor, you are committing money to a company with the expectation of generating a return.
An investor, to be clear, is not a gambler. Gambling is putting money at risk by betting on uncertain outcomes with the hope that you might win money. Part of this confusion between investing and gambling may come from the way people use investment vehicles. For example, it could be argued that buying a stock based on a “hot tip” you heard at the water cooler is essentially the same as placing a bet a casino. A true investor does not simply throw his or her money at any random investment.

Learning and mastering the rules of investing takes a life-long investment in financial education. Understanding the basics will get you started. Where you go from there is up to you.
The level of which kind of investor you become is up to you. How to be a successful investor depends on your education.
This is what makes Rich Dad different.

The Rich Dad Company


Copyright © 2016 The Rich Dad Company.
4330 N. Civic Center Plaza, Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 USA

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Kamis, 28 April 2016

Kebiasaan Merugikan yang Dapat Merusak Kebahagiaan


Surijanto Kumala

Kebiasaan Merugikan yang Dapat Merusak Kebahagiaan

Sebuah materi menarik untuk Anda...
Semoga bisa membuat kehidupan Anda menjadi lebih baik lagi...

Kebiasaan merugikan merupakan kebiasaan merusak yang biasa
dilakukan, namun tanpa disadari telah merampas kebahagiaan Anda.

1. Takut menyakiti perasaan orang lain
Orang yang tidak berbahagia menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu
untuk fokus pada penilaian orang lain, daripada fokus pada
pengembangan dirinya sendiri. Orang yang tidak bahagia selalu
mencoba membuat orang lain bahagia, dan rela mengorbankan
kebahagiaannya sendiri agar tidak menyakiti perasaan orang lain.

Hal ini perlu dihindari karena terkadang untuk mempertahankan
nilai-nilai yang kita miliki, akan ada orang-orang yang tidak setuju
atau tidak suka. Anda tidak bisa memaksakan diri Anda untuk
membuat setiap orang bahagia. Bahkan seorang motivator yang
selalu memberi wejangan baik seperti Mario Teguh pun memiliki haters.

2. Takut mengambil resiko
Orang yang tidak bahagia ketika ditawari sebuah kesempatan,
akan mencari-cari alasan untuk tidak menerima tawaran tersebut.
Orang-orang ini menyimpan banyak kekhawatiran sehingga seringkali
kehilangan kesempatan emas yang seharusnya dapat diraihnya.
Oleh karena itu, jangan biarkan alasan-alasan Anda menghalangi
kesempatan untuk dapat hidup lebih bahagia.

3. Fokus pada apa yang tidak dimiliki
Orang yang tidak bahagia percaya bahwa apa yang tidak dimilikinya
dapat membuatnya bahagia. Mereka fokus pada apa yang tidak
dimiliki sehingga hidupnya menjadi membosankan dan tidak
memuaskan. Karena keinginan orang tak pernah terpuaskan,
selalu menginginkan yang lebih dan lebih. Sehingga waktu di
dalam hidupnya dihabiskan untuk memenuhi ambisi-ambisi
yang terkadang tidak terlalu sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.

4. Menyimpan amarah atau dendam
Orang yang tidak bahagia terus mengingat memori-memori
menyakitkan dan memendam dendam. Mereka merasa kesulitan
untuk memaafkan tindakan buruk yang dilakukan orang lain
terhadap dirinya. Mereka ingin orang yang menyakitinya
merasakan hal yang setimpal seperti yang dirasakannya. Tanpa
disadari hal ini justru membuatnya semakin sakit dan menambah
hambatan mental.

Sebaliknya, jika memilih untuk memaafkan dan melupakan
kesalahan orang lain, pikiran akan menjadi jauh lebih tenang
dan hidup menjadi lebih bahagia.

5. Mengalihkan tanggung jawab
Orang yang tidak bahagia cenderung menyalahkan orang lain
apabila situasi tidak berjalan seperti semestinya. Mereka tidak
dapat mengakui kesalahan dan selalu mencari-cari obyek atau
orang lain untuk disalahkan. "Saya terlambat gara-gara macet"
atau "Tugasnya banyak sih jadi bangun kesiangan sampai nggak
bisa ikut kelas pagi".

Akui jika memang itu kesalahan Anda, dan belajarlah dari kesalahan

Nah, apakah Anda memiliki salah satu atau beberapa dari kebiasaan
merugikan tersebut?

Jika punya maka Anda perlu segera menuntaskannya, karena
kebiasaan-kebiasaan ini sangat berpotensi merenggut kebahagiaan Anda.

Semoga bermanfaat.

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The PATH Act & Its Effect on Foreign Real Estate Investment in the U.S.


In December 2015, President Obama signed into law the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015.

The bill eases 35-year-old restrictions on foreign investment in U.S. real estate and is expected to increase the amount of foreign money flowing into U.S. real estate investment trusts (REITs).

All things considered, this is great news for the U.S. real estate market, but less so for the average American consumer.


>>> The PATH Act & Its Effect on Foreign Real Estate Investment in the U.S.

I hope you enjoy!

Jeanne Ekhaml, Publisher
Creative Real Estate Online
CRE Online, Inc.
6440 Sky Pointe Dr.
Suite 140-187
Las Vegas, NV 89131 

Langkah Mudah Mendapatkan Investor

Memulai sebuah bisnis bukanlah merupakan hal yang bisa dianggap mudah, pasalnya banyak proses-proses yang wajib dilalui, seringkali ketika akan memulai bisnis mungkin itu bisnis properti, developer properti, jual-beli online, bisnis kuliner atau bisnis apapun itu sedikit terhambat perjalananya karena perkara modal, bahkan ada bisnis yang tidak juga jalan karena tidak memiliki modal, nah maka dari itu banyak disiasti dengan Investasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah permodalan ini. Lalu apa saja tips yang dapat kita pakai untuk meminang gati investor?, simak sedikit cara berikut :
1. Lakukan Riset
Lakukan riset terlebih dahulu, tipe perusahaan yang kita seperti apakah kita dan investor seperti apakah yang kita butuhkan. Jika sudah menemukan pelajari seperti apakah calon investor kita dan pahami tipikalnya, memehami calon investor dapat membantu kita untuk lebih memahami apa saja yang akan terjadi ketika modal perusahaan bertambah dan bisnis semakin besar.
2.Pahami apa yang kita butuhkan
Sebaiknya kita pahami apa yang benar-benar kita butuhkan, apakah kita hanya butuh seorang partner yang memiliki modal saja yang akan kita gunakan, atau kita butuh investor yang punya modal dan dapat berfungsi sebagai mentor dan konektor, pastikan Anda tahu seberapa jauh batas keterlibatan mereka dalam perusahaan.
3. Jangan hanya menyampaikan ide tetapi presentasikan sebuah bisnis
Investor sudah terlalu sering mendengar ide darimanapun, bisa jadi investor tidak akan menyambut baik tawaran investasi kita karena mungkin kita dianggapnya belum layak untuk membangun sebuah bisnis, hanya sekedar memiliki ide. Investor tidak akan tertarik dengan ide tetapi tertarik dengan proyeksi sebuah bisnis.
4. Beri tahu dan pastikan kalau bisnis kita juga punya uang (tunjukan arus kas perusahaan atau isi dompetmu)
Investor sangat paham dengan logika pada umumnya bahwasanya untuk menghasilkan uang kita butuh modal, tetapi rata-rata investor tidak mau jika uang yang mereka tanamkan hanya digunakan untuk operasional semata (gaji pegawai, sewa kantor, bayar listrik, dll) jadi meskipun jumlahnya tidak banyak yakinkan dan tun jukan bahwa perusahaan kita juga memiliki dana yang cukup untuk mengembangkan bisnis dan memenuhi kepentingan investor.
5. Kembangkan strategi dan visi dari perusahaan
Kita juga harus siap membahas masa depan secara rinci dengan investor seperti merusmuskan tujuan strategi dan rencana bisnis jangkan panjang. Misalnya, kalau bisnis terus tumbuh, apakah akan mencari mitra lainnya, apa rencana strategi selanjutnya  kalau produk atau jasa telah berkembang?

Salam Sukses

Faris Vio

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Steve Forbes

Fellow Investor:

At Forbes, we've been studying the great wealth creators of our time for more than 98 years and what's been clear is that the world's richest have amassed their wealth by thinking differently and acting differently than the typical investor.
Most importantly, they've seen trends before they've happened. And they've acted!
Never has this been more clear than the past ten years. As most people have suffered through the worst recession since the Great Depression, the world's richest have gotten richer and new billionaires have been minted at the fastest pace ever!

How do they do it? They have an edge.
They have the money and the power and the influence to control their own destiny. They can influence outcomes. And that's precisely what they do.
Take Carl Icahn. He's a long time resident on our annual Forbes Billionaire's List.
He's amassed a fortune of more than $17 billion by investing in stocks. Plain vanilla stocks, like you can buy in your electronic brokerage account. The difference is he can buy enough of the stock so that management works for HIM!

He's amassed a fortune of more than $17 billion by investing in stocks. Plain vanilla stocks, like you can buy in your electronic brokerage account. The difference is he can buy enough of the stock so that management works for HIM!
He doesn't buy and hope. He buys companies he knows he can change. Companies many investors are running FROM, he's running INTO. Why? Because he knows there's a chance to make a lot of money IF he can create change. And he normally does.
When he does, it's not just Carl who benefits—the company's fellow shareholders do too.
They get to ride the coattails of an investing legend, for FREE! He does the work…they get to share in the rewards.
And they're not small rewards.
Carl Icahn has returned 31% a year since 1968. That turns every $10,000 into $4.3 BILLION.
That's the power of compounding big returns, year–in and year–out. And that's what makes billionaires!
What if YOU could generate the kinds of returns that Carl Icahn does? Or Bill Ackman, another savvy billionaire investor who has amassed around $1.6 billion for himself? Or David Tepper, a billionaire investor who is on the path to surpass the great Warren Buffett as the world's richest investor?
Sound impossible? Not anymore.
With Forbes newest advisory, you can…

After almost 100 years of covering the world's richest and smartest investors, we took a major step and decided to take our research a step further. Last December, we introduced our very first advisory specifically designed to empower the individual investor to invest like the billionaires. Yes, the same powerful people we've been covering in Forbes magazine and on Forbes.com.
With Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio, you can reap the same kinds of returns as the billionaires I've just discussed—without needing $20 million or $5 million or $1 million to get started. In fact, if you can open a brokerage account, you can start investing just like these great wealth builders.
As I said, when Carl Icahn hits a home run, he takes his fellow shareholders with him for a trot around the bases.
You can be one of those fellow shareholders. Like the hundreds of Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio's Charter subscribers that reaped the astounding big winners from Icahn's and other brilliant billionaires' picks.

Since Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio launched just a little more than 4 months ago our charter subscribers have been amassing huge gains from the stocks we've been adding to our brand–new portfolio.
Thanks to our simple but powerful method of tracking the investments of the smartest billionaire investors, subscribers have been profiting handsomely. For example, if you had joined us a few months ago, you would have gained:
  • 6% in less than 1 month from a food and restaurant powerhouse
  • 9% in 3 months from a major auto parts company
  • 14% in 3 months from a 99–year old oil company
  • 113% in 3 months from this best performing S&P stock…bought by Carl Icahn!
  • 5% in 1 month from a $44–billion financial institution
  • 14% in 3 months from an Illinois–based medical supplies company
As a seasoned investor, you know that no advisory gets it right all the time, including one following the smartest billionaire investors.
We lost 4% in 3 months from a Chinese direct sales company and 36% in 4 months from a car rental company.
But our winners more than make up for any losers. In fact, while the S&P 500's gain in the first quarter of 2016 was a measly 1.2%, Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio'swas a whopping 8%.
That's 36% in annualized gain for the year, quadruple the S&P's average annual return!

This powerful new investment service at Forbes leverages the decades of history we have in identifying and valuing the net worth of the world's billionaires, and the expertise of two pioneers in tracking the investments of those billionaires.
Simply put, Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio is an investment service that empowers you to follow the moves of top billionaire investors step for step. When they buy, you buy. When they sell, you sell.
When you buy a stock from now on, you have a billionaire partner on your side that's rattling that cages in the executive suite and demanding that management do what they are mandated to do – MAXIMIZE VALUE FOR SHAREHOLDERS!
There's no exotic formulas.
There's no complicated algorithms.
There's no complex stock–picking strategies.
There's no need to hover over your brokerage account.
It's just a common sense approach that works and is proven to result in home run stocks like you won't believe.
I could go on and on, but here's the bottom line:
You don't have to be a billionaire to earn returns like a billionaire. But you do need Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio to tell you which stocks and which billionaires are worth following.
Now let me introduce you to the geniuses behind this unique service.

I'm very selective about where I attach the Forbes name. We get proposals all the time to become partners with one party or another. We turn down the majority of them.
With the experts behind our new Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio, I didn't have to think twice. They have managed money and done research for some of the most sophisticated investors in the world. And they are sophisticated investors in their own right. Plus, they've been studying the power of influential investors on stocks for almost 15 years.
Meet William Meade

William Meade has been a star in the hedge fund firmament for years. He cut his teeth at Wood Asset Management, a $1.5 billion institutional asset management firm and hedge fund founded by a former Goldman Sachs partner.
William went on to lead ETF and mutual fund research for Zacks Investment Research.
As the head of Pure Alpha Research, a Chicago–based hedge fund consulting firm, he provides exclusive research to some of the top hedge funds and sophisticated investors in the world.
William has an incredible record of predicting takeovers and stocks that later become high conviction stocks for billionaires—both areas from which some of the biggest returns in stocks come.
Meet Bryan Rich

Bryan Rich started his career with Traval in London, a family office macro hedge fund that managed assets for a wealthy European family. He was a partner in a Wall Street alternative investment firm and was a senior trader with Integra Investment Management, a 2005 nominee for Global Macro Hedge Fund of the year.
Today he is the founder of Logic Fund Management, a macro–economic and global investment research, consulting and advisory business. At Logic, he has advised hundreds of thousands of investors from over 80 countries on global macro investing issues.
Bryan called the bull market in the dollar in 2009 and continued to explain why over the following years, when almost everyone was certain the dollar was spiraling into the abyss.
He's argued for more than five years that the gold bugs were dead wrong on gold, and that gold would fall hard, back to pre–crisis levels. Gold prices have been nearly cut in half since.
And he's been pounding the table all along that the Fed and other global central banks needed higher stock prices as one of their primary tools in restoring confidence and growth – he's been dead right.
Now, while they've done very well for themselves and ultra–wealthy firms and individuals around the world, they've always been frustrated that people without a million dollars at their disposal have been locked out.
Their own family and friends felt excluded. Their billionaire tracking investment service is the answer. And with Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio, the doors are kicked open for everyone to take part in the success and the edge that the best investors in the world have.
And I want you on board.

Everything you need to succeed
Too many investment services leave you hanging after you subscribe.
Not Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio. Bryan and William are looking for serious investors who they can engage with week after week, month after month, year after year.
They want to transform YOU into the next billionaire investor.
When you subscribe to our Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio, as part of your subscription, you'll get:
  • A weekly, plain–English e–mail note that you can read on your computer or on your mobile device
  • Clear Buy and Sell instructions, a full discussion of the billionaire investor we're following, his track record, his plan of action, his outlook for the stock
  • A rundown of the status of the portfolio holdings, with any events or news tied to our positions
  • Access to our member–only area, with full archives of every note ever sent by Bryan and William and our portfolio tracker, with all of our open and exited campaigns.
  • A live conference call every quarter with Bryan and William. They'll talk about the macro environment—how it's influencing the economy, stocks, and their portfolio. They'll review open campaigns—why they own them, what developments have taken place, how far along the game plan is, and more
  • The opportunity to ask questions LIVE at the end of the conference call

  • A recording of each conference call and Q&A session delivered by e–mail and archived in the members' area, shortly after
Costs A LOT less than you might think
There's never been an investment service quite like Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio. Think about it, after decades of studying and evaluating the net worth and traits of the world's richest and most influential people, we are now giving you the opportunity to invest alongside them. It's truly a perfect fit and the perfect time.
Big institutions pay $50,000, $100,000 or even more for this type of information. The information that can help them boost returns for their investors.
And Bryan and William both charge north of $50,000 for their consulting expertise.
But you won't pay $50,000 for Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio.
Or half that.
How about a tiny fraction of that.

Join Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio today for just $297 a quarter

That's around $3.25 a day—about the cost of a latte at Starbucks.
Fair enough?

Steve Forbes
Chairman and Editor–in–Chief
Forbes Media

P.S. Carl Icahn has been a master investor since 1968. He hews to a simple, clear but effective strategy that has made him one of the richest men on the planet. If you follow Bryan and William in Forbes Billionaire's Portfolio as they mirror the best stocks owned by billionaires like Carl Icahn, I see every reason for you to generate the same kinds of life-altering returns. Subscribe today
Forbes Media LLC,

499 Washington Blvd
Jersey City, NJ 07310

Penguatan harga minyak masih menjadi angin segar bagi saham sektor batubara dan energi.

Bursa Amerika menguat merespon keputusan The Fed untuk menunda kenaikan suku bunga yang kedua kalinya.

Fed menunda kenaikan suku bunga dikarenakan melambatnya konsumsi masyarakat dan juga melambatnya perekonomian Amerika.

Indeks Dow Jones ditutup di level 18,041.55  menguat 51.23 poin (+0.28%)

Harga minyak WTI ditutup naik USD$ 1.29 atau 2.9 % ke level US $ 45.33 per barrel.

Penguatan harga minyak ini masih menjadi angin segar bagi saham sektor batubara dan energi.

IHSG ditutup di level 4,845.66 menguat 31.57 poin (+0.66%) berpotensi untuk bergerak dalam range 4800-4900 hari ini.

Simak #kopipagi hari ini di http://bit.ly/kopipagi28april2016

Subscribe ke www.ellen-may.com untuk mendapat #kopipagi GRATIS ke email Anda setiap hari.

Semoga #Kopipagi 28 April 2016 mencerahkan & salam profit ! on.fb.me/ellen_may | Instagram @ellenmay_official

"Smart Trader Rich Investor : The Baby Steps" panduan lengkap belajar saham. Info bit.ly/ordertbs 

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Prices Down 20% - Time To Buy

By: Matthew Milner

Three weeks ago, I wrote to you with a bold prediction:

Based on over three decades of research, I explained why right now is one of the best times to start investing in the private markets.

As it turns out, we’re already seeing evidence that this prediction was accurate...

Now it’s time for you to take advantage of it to earn tremendous gains.

Setting Yourself Up For Profits

On April 6, I told you that two market “signals” had just been triggered »

The two signals are weak growth in GDP, and weak investment performance from the S&P 500.

When those signals occur at the same time, historical market data tell us it’s time to move capital out of the stock market, and into private equity investments like start-ups.

That’s because, in environments like this, it becomes harder to make money in the stock market—

And easier to negotiate investment prices in the private market. That means you can buy into high-growth start-ups at low prices, and set yourself up for profits.

Some folks are already taking advantage of this opportunity…

Meet Dave McClure

Have you heard of Dave McClure?

McClure is a professional venture investor. He invests in early-stage start-ups.

As the founding partner of a $250 million venture capital fund called 500 Startups, he’s invested in more than 1,500 companies over the past five years.

A few of his successes include MakerBot, which was taken over for $400 million; Wildfire, bought for $350 million; and Mint, which was acquired for $170 million.

McClure is a self-described “geek” (he was a math and computer science major in college), and he takes a “geeky” approach to investing:

In brief, his strategy is to make hundreds of investments (hence the name, 500 Startups) that each meet a strict set of quantitative criteria.

One of his most important criterion is price.

McClure knows that, mathematically and practically speaking, by investing at a lower price, he has a better chance of cashing out later at a profit.

(His approach appears to be working: his current portfolio’s annual returns average out to 41.2% per year.)

But McClure’s future returns might be even higher…


Because start-ups across the globe just went “on sale.”

20% Markdowns

As someone who sees thousands of deals every year, McClure is uniquely positioned to understand what’s happening in the private markets.

During an interview last week, a reporter asked McClure how the current economic environment has impacted investment prices—“valuations”—of start-ups.

His response was quick and specific:

“Early stage valuations have come down around 20%.”

In other words, start-ups are currently treating investors to a 20%-off sale.

Perfect Timing

Three weeks ago, I advised you to begin preparing for this opportunity—and today, with prices down even further, I’m banging the drum even more loudly.

That’s because on May 16th, less than three weeks from now, Title III of the JOBS Act goes live.

This law change will finally allow all U.S. citizens—not just professional investors like McClure—to invest in start-ups.

So get ready, because this change is happening at a perfect time for you:

This could be the “golden era” of your investment life.

Happy Investing

Best Regards,
Matthew Milner
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